

The Pathfinder does not chart the coarse but rather discovers the coarse to meet the challenge.  Availing ourselves to the History Section of this site will help focus on our collective histories.  It is not final word but it is a good beginning in support of our educational efforts. During and after the Vietnam War these patrol craft were in service for almost 30 Years.

The “Gamewardens Association – Vietnam to Present”,  NW Chapter aims are simple:

·       Find our brothers and shipmates- and welcome them home

·       Celebrate and document our past and present history

· Past and Current USA & USN Riverine Forces

·       Educate the public of our work and garner new friendships

·       Support Patrol Craft Restoration

·       Support our National Security by:

·     Celebrating our Sailors, Soldiers and Marines who are out on patrol in the rivers, canals and back water battlefields of today   

While I write and comment about the PBR’s from it’s origins to it’s logical endings, you will realize that these special boats became famous due to the special, dedicated and well trained men who fought on them into the annuals  of our US Naval History books. Although many other Operations were present in Vietnam, certainly Operation Gamewardens was one of the finest in the traditions of the United States Navy.

RA Brower

Boat Captain

458th PBR / US Army

if you’d like to learn more about pbr development

if you’d like to learn more about vietnam